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🎮 INT213 - Word Hunt Game

Let’s hunt the lost words 🔍

🎉 Getting Started

  1. Clone (Download) the project
git clone
  1. Run the program

a. Windows


b. Linux

  1. Or to run the program in a docker container
docker build -t word-hunt-game .
docker run -u=$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --rm word-hunt-game

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Collaborators

Tasnim Zotder &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Tasnim Zotder &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Tasnim Zotder &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

## 📷 Screenshots ![game setup](/int213-word-hunt-game/assets/game_setup.jpg) ## 📃 References - **YAML Docs**: [Stack Abuse]( - **Tkinter GUI Docs**: [Real Python]( - **Word Search Logic**: [PythonWordSearch]( ## 📝 License This project is licensed under [MIT License](/int213-word-hunt-game/LICENSE).